The Grand Lake Fall League offers an opportunity for players to continue to improve and refine skills for five weeks in the fall against some of the better players in the area. The league will be divided into three divisions: 9th-12th and 6th – 8th grade and a 3rd to 5th grade division that will be machine pitch.
The League will play games on Sundays beginning August 17th, including August 24th, September 7, September 14, and the 21st. Each team will play two games each Sunday. Game times will start at 10:00 and continue every one and a half-hour after. We will make every attempt that you will play your games back to back. We will utilize the field at KC Geiger Park in St. Marys, Ohio. League officials will obtain coaches for the teams.
Cost of the league will be $112 for the High School , Travel Team and Jr. High Divisions. Cost of the 3rd to 5th grade division is $97. The entry fee will pay for shirts for the players, umpires, and operating expenses. Entry deadline is July 19, 2025
Player of the Game Shirts will be provided for the HS and Jr high division. If you have any further questions, please email the support staff at or John Hendricks 765-348-6413. Click here for the 2025 Rules, Rosters, and Game Schedules